Friday, February 24, 2012

You Numbah 10

How to say hello in Vietnam

Over the years in speaking with Vietnam Veterans as well as looking at all their photos I've noticed there was a very distinctive way to say hello in Vietnam, Flippin the Bird. Flippin the Bird just about sums up military service, describes the day or reminds everyone that at the end of it all you just don't give a damn at a certain point. Either by telling everyone what you think of Vietnam or just simply as a way of saying everything is normal here, screwed. 

A young W02 passes by and waves hello Vietnam style
I think this picture pretty much takes the cake. In the crapper in the 'Nam. I think you would probably be doing the same thing. Flippin a bird. Blue Max ARA.
A Ruthless Rider flips a dressed up birdy.

Hi Mom. Thanks for giving birth to me so one day I could come to Vietnam.
I've got one thing to say to you, one!

Everyone learned quickly how to respond to something as simple as,  hey hows it going up there? Or hows your day?

The Air Cav had a particular knack for birdies. Maybe because they were crazier than three eyebrows or like all rotorheads were hovering above the BS and like the slogan suggests, if you aint Cav, you aint sh... Here have a birdy.

Who else would go tearing assing around the Nam summing it up to everyone and everything but the Air Cav?

1 comment:

  1. As "Little" Jimmy Dickens once sang, "May The Bird OF Paradise Fly Up Your Nose..."
